
Thank you for visiting our About page. Troop 147 offers the full Trail Life USA program in the Dallas, TX area: Woodlands Trail (K-5), to Navigators (6-8) and Adventurers (9-12), plus adult leadership. We believe that shaping boys into men of God does not come from a single source. We envision Adventurers counseling Navigators, while both Adventurers and Navigators can assist Woodlands boys. Throughout this process, Christ-centered adult leadership flows down through all areas of the troop.

If you wish to know more about Trail Life or Troop 147 specifically, then we have a few different pages that might be useful, depending on what you are looking for. Please use the links below to find the exact details you need:

Still can’t find what you’re looking for? Please go to our Contact Us page and send us a message.