2021 Troop 147 Fundraiser

304 boxes sold in 2020: WAY TO GO, Trailmen!

Basic Facts

  • We are selling boxes of “30 cards for $30!” These are substantial organizer boxes filled with high-quality, embellished greeting cards.
  • 5 box types: https://youtu.be/UVDVtXSqVqA (Box 2 is a different design from this video but similar selection)
    • All Occasion Box 1 & 2 include a variety such as birthday, anniversary, baby shower, etc.
    • Thanks & Blanks include 15 of each type.
    • Kids Birthday Box has 30 birthday cards just for kids.
    • Holiday Cards Box has *50 cards for $30* and include 12 Christmas and 38 others such as Mother’s/Father’s Day, Thanksgiving, etc.
  • Please collect payment upon recording the pre-order and mark which payment method was used (cash, check, or Square).
  • Make checks payable to either “The Park” or “Troop 147”.
  • The troop profit is approximately 50% of sales PLUS any donations!
  • There are PRIZES for the top 3 sellers as well as a Prize Catalog that everyone gets to order from based on how many boxes they sold. (1 point earned for each box sold AND each $15 donated)
  • Boxes sold to local customers will be distributed to each Trailman to hand-deliver after the fundraiser is complete.


  • Sep. 21: Kick-off and distribute fundraiser packets/prize catalogs. Contact Troopmaster Roberts if you were absent and would like to arrange pick up.
  • Oct. 5: Collection Day #1 – Please bring your binder with any payments that have been collected so far.
  • Oct. 12: Final Collection Day Deadline – Please bring ALL order forms, payments, and prize catalog selections and return fundraiser binders. If you are unable to attend, please call/text Troopmaster Roberts to arrange a drop-off time prior to 10/12.
  • Oct. 15: Card boxes ordered
  • Nov. 2: Card boxes sorted and given to Trailmen to deliver. We will also schedule a day/evening for volunteers to help us pack and label any boxes which need to ship out-of-town.
  • Delivery Date: You may inform customers that we will hand-deliver or ship boxes (and send tracking numbers) by Thanksgiving.

Goal: 450 Boxes!

We ALMOST made it to 400 boxes sold in 2019, and we’d love to beat our record!!! We are requesting that each Trailman sell *at least* 10 boxes in order to waive troop dues for that Trailman. Hitting this goal would cover normal troop costs, including paying the campsite fees, subsidizing uniform costs, Court of Honor awards/advancements, etc. *Note*: If your family chooses not to participate in the fundraiser, troop dues for the year are $50 per Trailman.

STRETCH Goal: 650 Boxes!

This is pretty huge, but we think y’all can do it! If we are able to reach this goal, ALL activities costs can be covered by the troop. In addition to the expenses that are already paid by the troop, this would cover ‘per Trailman’ fees for things like archery instruction at Cinnamon Creek in January, Nav/Ad special events, Manly Man Day in April, etc.

Online Ordering: https://troopdallas.square.site/

We have created a fundraiser sales website for online sales, and we are also offering to ship boxes to customers who are out-of-town, since some families may prefer to do mostly virtual/phone sales rather than door-to-door. Shipping is expensive at approximately $10-15 per box, depending on the destination (30 embellished greeting cards are heavy). That cost will be charged to the customers. All box sales requiring shipment should be placed on the Square website. Local customers may also choose to change the fulfillment method to “Pickup” in the cart prior to checking out. There is a required text box for your customer to fill in the Trailman’s name, so that they can receive credit for those sales. You may also write down the sale in your binder noting “Square” as the payment method.

Graphics & Printable Resources: CFAC Google Drive

This drive has printable order forms as well as all the other sheets which are included in your binder (cover page, card details, etc). There are also graphics about the fundraiser and our troop which may be printed and/or used for sharing online.


  • Wear your uniform, be polite, and keep it short.
  • Have your Trailman learn some general info about the boxes/fundraiser and practice his *short* sales pitch several times, so that he’s comfortable doing most of the talking. It’s much harder to resist a kid selling than an adult. If you would like to borrow a TLUSA or troop t-shirt, let us know.
  • Make phone call sales! This year, since we are offering box shipment, we can expand our lists of potential customers to any friends or family members in the whole U.S.
  • You may choose to share the Troop’s social media post(s) about the fundraiser on your personal timeline, which is great. We also encourage you to reach out individually to friends and family (in-person, call, text, personal message, etc) as well rather than JUST posting on social media, since a personal touch is typically much more effective. Creating sales/thank you videos of your Trailman is always a big hit!
  • We have found that as a general rule, it takes about an hour to canvas a city block (up one side of the street and back on the other side). Most of the time if someone answers the door, they will either donate or buy a box. *Note*: Please follow any solicitation rules in your neighborhood.
  • Safety recommendations for selling in person
    • Accept contactless credit card payments using QR Codes!
      • On the cover page of your binder, you will see a QR code at the bottom right. A customer can scan that QR code using their smartphone, tap on the link, and go straight to the purchasing page for the fundraiser. Practice the process on your own phone.
      • They will not need to create a login; the checkout page is secured using https, and will only require them to fill out their name, the Trailman’s name who is selling (speak your name clearly, so that you receive credit), phone number, email, and payment info. If you are selling to a stranger, please stay with them to answer any questions about the process, verify that payment is complete, and then write down their info on your order sheet.
      • Any orders for which payment cannot be verified will not be counted towards sales credits for prizes.
      • If a phone is having trouble with a QR code through the sheet protector, you may text them the troop website link: https://troopdallas.square.site/
    • If you or your customer feels more comfortable:
      • Wear masks and stay 6′ or more away from customers whenever possible.
      • Do not let customers touch the binder or pen. Hold the binder for them to see card details, and then have them verbally communicate their contact info and box order while you do the writing.
  • If you have several friends/family members who live in the same out-of-town area, consider taking orders from that group to hand-deliver at a later date when you see them rather than having them pay shipping costs. For instance, our extended family has a large concentration in Houston, so we usually send a shipment back with a relative who visits at Thanksgiving.


We are asking all troop families to pray diligently for health/safety during the fundraiser and that the Lord would bless our troop through the efforts of our Trailmen!

Contact: Katherine Roberts, TX-0147 Treasurer, 214-287-9866